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Search results

  1. Anky

    How To Download Resources? - Tutorial Video

    Anky submitted a new resource: How To Download Resources? - Tutorial Video - How To Download Resources? - Tutorial Video Read more about this resource...
  2. Anky

    Freepik Image Downloader

    Anky submitted a new resource: Freepik Image Downloader - Download Free / Premium Freepik Images for Free Read more about this resource...
  3. Anky

    GFXInspire Request Board: Your Hub for Creative Collaborations and Assistance

    Welcome to the GFXInspire Request Board! Are you in need of specific graphics resources, looking for collaboration on a project, or seeking expert advice on a tricky design challenge? This is your platform to connect and request assistance from our talented GFXInspire community. Here’s how you...
  4. Anky

    Anthony Lopez: A Trailblazer in Indian Graphic Design

    Early Life and Education Anthony Lopez's interest in design was kindled during his formative years in Ahmedabad, a city known for its rich design culture. His father, who worked at the National Institute of Design (NID) in the field of printing and typography, played a crucial role in nurturing...
  5. Anky

    GFXToolz Community Corner: Insights, Tips, and Suggestions

    Welcome GFXToolz Users! This thread is your go-to place for discussing everything related to GFXToolz. Whether you're a seasoned user or just starting out, we invite you to share your experiences, tips, tricks, and any Suggestions you might have about using GFXToolz tools and features. How to...
  6. Anky

    🌟 Welcome to GFXInspire: Introduce Yourself! 🌟

    Hello and Welcome to All New GFXInspire Members! We're thrilled to have you join our creative community. GFXInspire is all about connecting, learning, and growing together in the world of graphic design and visual arts. To kick things off, we encourage you to introduce yourself in this thread...
  7. Anky

    🛠️ GFXInspire Technical Issue Reporting🛠️

    Dear GFXInspire Community, If you're experiencing any technical difficulties while using GFXInspire, this is the place to let us know. Your reports are crucial in helping us identify and fix problems swiftly, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone. Please follow the guidelines below to...
  8. Anky

    🌟 GFXInspire Community v1.0 Update 🌟

    Hello GFXInspire Creatives! We're excited to bring you the latest updates from our community. Our team has been working hard to enhance your experience, and we've got some fantastic new features and improvements to share. Let's dive in! Update 1: New Resource Categories 📚 1.1. Expanded...
  9. Anky

    GFXInspire Community Rules and Regulations

    1. Respect Intellectual Property 1.1. Share Original or Permitted Graphics: Only upload graphics you've created or if you have explicit authorization from the creator. Unauthorized sharing of others' work is strictly prohibited. 1.2. Mandatory Attribution: If you're sharing someone else's...
  10. Anky

    Download Aescripts Newton 4.0.77 (Win)

    Anky submitted a new resource: Download Aescripts Newton 4.0.77 (Win) - Aescripts Newton 4.0.77 (Win): Introducing Newton4, the 2D physics engine for Adobe After Effects th Read more about this resource...
  11. Anky

    Aescripts TextBox 2 After Effects

    Anky submitted a new resource: Aescripts TextBox 2 After Effects - TextBox is perfect for saving time when working with text & shapes. Read more about this resource...