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Unlock Cinematic Brilliance with the Free FilmForever + Colorist Toolkit (3.0) + Power Curves

Unlock Cinematic Brilliance with the Free FilmForever + Colorist Toolkit (3.0) + Power Curves 2024-02-17

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Rediscovering Cinematic Beauty​

Inspiration & Motivation:​

Transport yourself into the historic realm of filmmaking, where the 2383 Kodak Stock played a crucial role in bringing films to life. Our FilmForever collection draws inspiration from the distinctive mood and color features of the Kodak 2383 Print Film Stock. Journey through time as we meticulously analyze film stock samples and the films printed on the iconic 2383 Stock, delivering a unique and authentic aesthetic.

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Print Film Emulation LUT (PFE):​

Experience the Print Film Emulation LUT, a groundbreaking tool that allows you to preview the post-print appearance of your images. This LUT mirrors the density and color response of films before the actual printing process. The result is a film-like appearance that goes beyond conventional color-grading LUTs, offering an unparalleled visual experience.

FilmForever™ - Who Can Benefit?​

FilmForever is crafted for colorists, filmmakers, and creators passionate about the art of shooting on film. Whether you're working on a digital project and wish to synchronize your grade with a film aesthetic or desire a comprehensive film emulation kit, FilmForever caters to your creative aspirations.

Creative Capabilities of FilmForever™​

Unlocking Creative Looks:​

Reimagine the concept of a "Cinematic" image with FilmForever, where cinematic aesthetics are redefined to capture the essence of printed film. The FilmForever™ Film Emulation Kit is not just about color grade matching; it's a transformative journey that brings the true cinematic spirit to your projects.

Features at a Glance:​

  • Four distinct grade styles: 2383 Rebuild, 2383 Creative, 2383 3-Strip, and 2383 Technical.
  • Fully editable Power Curves for a potent palette.
  • Compatibility with Davinci Resolve for seamless integration.

Navigate the FilmForever™ Power Grades​

2383 Rebuild Power Grade:​

A fundamental reconstruction of the 2383 LUT, providing a robust starting point for a minimal grade with minimal effort. Easily manipulable to suit your preferences.

2383 Creative Power Grade:​

Building on the foundation of "2383 Rebuild," this grade introduces a "creative" node, shifting the palette towards a modern film color aesthetic.

2383 3-Strip Power Grade:​

Embrace Technicolor's 3-strip process, replicating the historical method with a detailed 3-channel process for an authentic Technicolor lab processing replica.

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Elevate Your Filmmaking Experience Today​

Experience the magic of FilmForever + Colorist Toolkit (3.0) + Power Curves, an exclusive offering on GFXInspire. Redefine cinematic brilliance, unlock creative possibilities, and transport your audience into the timeless world of film aesthetics.

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