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[Premium] Juan Melara – Fujifilm X-H2S PowerGrade and LUT Bundle

[Premium] Juan Melara – Fujifilm X-H2S PowerGrade and LUT Bundle 2024-09-12

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Take your video editing to the next level for free with Juan Melara – Fujifilm X-H2S PowerGrade and LUT Bundle . Discover the best tools for enhancing your projects without breaking the bank. You can download editing materials like this for free, including video assets like Effects, Templates, Plugin, Transitions, and LUTs for most popular video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effect, and Davinci Resolve Editing Assets at freevideoeffect.com. Explore the features of Juan Melara – Fujifilm X-H2S PowerGrade and LUT Bundle and find out how they can enhance your video editing projects. Read now for expert insights and recommendations.

X-H2SFuji2AlexaPowerGradeThumbSquare (1).jpg

Product feature:

The standard X-H2SFuji2Alexa transform is divided into two components, the camera match transform and the output transform.

The first component or transform matches the cameras in linear space and outputs the image in log. It takes F-Log2 footage from the X-H2S as the input, linearises the image, matches it to the Alexa, then outputs this match as ARRI LogC/Alexa Wide Gamut.

The second component is an output transform LUT that takes the ARRI LogC/Alexa Wide Gamut image and converts it to Rec709. This takes the flat desaturated log image, applies a LogC to Rec709 2.4 gamma curve, an Alexa Wide Gamut to Rec709 matrix and outputs an image with restored contrast and saturation that will look correct on your display.



  • X-H2SFuji2Alexa LogC camera match LUT: Transform Fujifilm X-H2S footage to match the Alexa in its native LogC format. The camera match LUT can be paired with any output transform LUT below. Or any other LUT or PowerGrade designed for the Alexa.
  • ARRI LogC2Video output transform LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in three different curves. Standard, Standard V2 and Wide Dynamic Range V2 (WDR V2). Apply these to the output of the X-H2SFuji2Alexa LogC LUT above to complete the image.
  • Post-Production Rec709 LUTs: The X-H2SFuji2Alexa LogC camera match LUT combined with the Standard V2 and WDR V2 Rec709 output transform LUTs above. Created at high quality x65 precision for post-production use.
  • In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: The X-H2SFuji2Alexa LogC camera match transform combined with the Standard V2 and WDR V2 Rec709 output transform LUTs created at x33 precision for camera and monitor compatibility. Used to preview the transform on external monitors.
  • No Snake Oil

  • X-H2SFuji2Alexa camera match YRGB PowerGrade: Transform Fujifilm X-H2S footage to match the Alexa. The camera match PowerGrade can be paired with any output transform LUT below. Or any other LUT or PowerGrade designed for the Alexa.
  • ARRI LogC2Video output transform LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in three different curves. Standard, Standard V2 and Wide Dynamic Range V2 (WDR V2).
  • In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: The X-H2SFuji2Alexa LogC camera match transform combined with the Standard V2 and WDR V2 Rec709 output transform LUTs created at x33 precision for camera and monitor compatibility. Used to preview the transform on external monitors.
  • X-H2SFuji2Alexa RCM PowerGrade coming soon.
  • No Snake Oil
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